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Company Origin  

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced in 1999 that more than 2 billion people around the world had been infected with Hepatitis B, and 350 million were virus carriers, of which 75% were Asian.

In 1985, the founder of Hepaguard Group, Jerro Koo, was infected with the Hepatitis B virus. Failing to fight off the virus, he became a active chronic carrier. While searching for a thorough cure, Mr. Koo was referred to Dr. Tai-Ho Chung in 1995 by one of his closest friends, Dr. S.T. Han, Director of WHO’s Western Pacific Region. Heartened by the amazing results of Dr. Chung’s research and his successful treatment of millions of Hepatitis B patients, CEO & President Koo decided to dedicate himself to support further research & development of Phyllanthus Urinaria Koreana. In 1996, the Hepaguard Company Group was founded.